For International
About the Consortium
of Universities in Osaka
The Consortium of Universities in Osaka(CUO) is a non=profit organization founded in 1999 as a platform for cooperation between member universities and local communities. The CUO is jointly operated by public and private universities in Osaka Prefecture, Japan, regardless of their different founding policies. While complimenting each other, our member universities undertake educational research and social contributions to meet social demands. Our shared goal is to contribute to the development and globalization of Japanese higher education.
Useful Website
The following organizations provide comprehensive support for international students in Osaka,and offer useful information and consultations on various aspects of student life.
⚫︎ Osaka Global Student Support Association 留学生支援コンソーシアム大阪
https://www.studyinosaka.com/about/ -
⚫︎ Osaka International House Foundation 公益財団法人大阪国際交流センター
https://www.ih-osaka.or.jp/international-std-info/ -
⚫︎ Osaka Foundation of International Exchange 公益財団法人大阪府国際交流財団(OFIX)